Stormbots Subteams 2018-2019
We’re very excited to announce the new subteam roster for the 2019 season for Deep Space.
We’re very excited to announce the new subteam roster for the 2019 season for Deep Space.
We have mathematically qualified for the District Championships in Portland next week, April 4-7. We are currently aware of the following students who cannot attend: Alex Alina Jessica V. Joe V. Kristen Maia Ryan W. Terik WIlliam If you are not on this list, but cannot attend, please email me ASAP. Thanks, Mr. Glassett
This email was sent to your parents: Parents – if you are even considering your student going to the FIRST World Championships in Houston with the Stormbots in April, you must attend the parent meeting this Tuesday night at 6:30. We are planning to make committed reservations as soon as Wednesday, so we need your attendance so you understand the costs and other requirements. I know there has already been a note about this, but we really need everyone who is interested in their child going to Houston to attend.
If you accidentally brought home spirit gear from the Yakima (Sun Dome) or Oregon City (Clackamas Academy) competitions, please remember to bring them back to robotics practice tonight. If you cannot bring it tonight please email me back with what you have so I can have a running inventory of this year’s spirit gear. Mrs. Snyder worked hard making all those costumes alongside marketing so we would relay appreciate it.
We’ve had a great season so far – let’s keep it going by doing well at Lake Oswego! The practice plan for this week has changed a bit – please read below. As always, any emails you get after this that come from your mentors take precedent over this post. Monday ONLY Programming is practicing. 6:00 to 9:00 (may run a little late) Unbag #1 – Programming Get the new code debugged Work on auto improvements Tuesday All Team meeting.
This note is a reminder of a critical parent meeting Tuesday night at 6:30 pm for the parents of Stormbots who are traveling (see below) to Yakima on March 15-17. This meeting will cover details of the travel plan, get required forms completed and signed by parents, and collect student travel fees for hotels, etc. Please bring a checkbook. Please let us know any questions. The normal all team StormBot meeting will happen at 6:00 pm.
What a way to start the year! Fantastic first competition that sets us up very well for the future. There were lots of highlights; but to me a day later what comes through so well is how much of a total team effort it was. From robot performance to team spirit/appearance to parent/friend support to safety performance to consistent Gracious Professionalism – you did it all! While keeping the great feeling of success, it’s now time for us to think about future competitions.
How are you sharing the values of First? Here is another opportunity to pay it forward. STEM “Boost” club at Harney is scheduled to get underway on Tuesday, March 20 from 3:00-4:00pm after-school. The club will run for 8 weeks (except for Spring break April 3) and will be a series of work sessions with adult and high school (hopefully) volunteers working with individual students in a classroom setting to assist them in their various projects.
What an amazing weekend and performance at the CAIS district event! We finished the qualification rounds with a record of 10-2 and were the third-seeded robot out of 37. We then became the second alliance captain, and along with the help of Apex Robotics (5803) and Beavertronics (5970), we made it all the way to the finals, where we lost to an outstanding alliance. We then earned both the Safety Award and the Quality Award.
What an amazing first day! We finished 7-2 and are currently 4th out of 37 teams. Here is a link to one of our better matches today: Students need to be at Skyview by 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Go StormBots! Mr. Glassett