BunnyBots 2011
BunnyBots 2011
20 teams attended this year’s BunnyBot. Of those 20 teams, our Skyview robotics team took 11th Place in the final standings. Many of the team members who participated either worked on the robot (build team), asked other teams how they raise money (marketing team), and/or drove the robot (drive team). Our drivers were Misha, Kelson, Connor, and Thomas. At BunnyBot each team was pared up with another team. The stronger teams would get pared up with the weaker teams so that the competitors were evenly matched. Each team got to compete about 5 times (some teams would play more or less depending on how much problems their robot encountered). A few teams had two robots. And Catlin Gabel had three Robotics teams! Even though we didn’t make it to the finals we tried our best and came home a little wiser than we were before.