Subteam Updates
Subteam Updates
Right now, we are setting up the motor controls so they are ready to be put on the board. This week, we hope to mount all the electronics on the board. So far, we have put the fans and fan guards on the motor controls.
Research and Design
We are finishing up detailing our CAD drawings to give to fabrication. This week, we hopefully will get the driving system, the claw, and the shooter done. We have already finished detailing the shooter and the claw has been completely released.
Programming >Today we are integrating a graphical user interface so the drivers can easily choose their driving style. This week we want to work on sensors to control the robot to create autonomous function. Also, we want to create the robot framework to allow us to modularly create a robot code. As of right now, we have developed our robot’s theory of operations, which includes autonomous behavior, teleoperated behavior, and semi-autonomous behavior.
Competitive Intelligence
Right now we are working on the interface for inventory and making the system better. We hope to get two new pages of inventory running this week. We have already created the database model and discussed a new frame.
Technical Marketing
We are working on a Powerpoint to show sponsors, a brochure, and getting updates about each subteam. This week we hope to start planning a sponsor night, have a meeting about our website and potential changes, design a tee shirt, and write thank you letters to sponsors. We have already finished our updates about Bunnybots and compiled biographies on each team member.
Right now we have been adding hinges to the flappy cart. This week we want to add LEDs to the trailer and possibly puddle lights. We have already added some hinges to the flappy cart to support more weight.
Project Management
We are trying to organize the team and increase efficiency. This week we can hopefully have all the supplies we need and organize the shop. So far, we have made a lot of progress organizing the shop, tool cabinets, and cubbies.
Fabrication > We are working on the chassis of our robot. We are cooperating closely with research and design to finish up the detailed designs of the robot and start building parts.