Friday Competition Update

Departure from the school went well this morning. We are on the bus now and ahead of schedule. If you want to follow our team today, here is the best way to do so: We hope to be back to school by 9:45-10:00 tonight. However, it may run late. Hopefully, there isn’t an accident that closes down the 205 bridge like last year :) Tomorrow morning we will leave a little later.

Team Jackets, 2018

Unfortunately, the weather last week set our screen/printer back and we will not have jackets until Saturday morning. You will be able to get them when you arrive on Saturday morning. Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Glassett

Clackamas Academy Information From Team Meeting

I have linked the schedules I sent the other day. I have also linked the slides we covered tonight. In those slides are greater details about student specific roles and expectations at the competitions. For those of you who just want the critical times for our team, I have listed them below. Day 1: Thursday 3⁄1 3:00 p.m. Carpool departs Skyview 5:00 p.m. Pits Open 9:00 p.m. Pits Close 10:00 Return Skyview Day 2: Friday 3⁄2 6:15 a.

Clackamas Academy District Schedule

I will be sending out more student specific information after I cover it tomorrow in our all-team meeting, but wanted to send our schedule now since a few people have asked for them. Linked below, you will find: CAIS StormBots Schedule: This one is specific to our team and includes bus departure and arrival times. Please recognize that our bus arrival times at the end of the day are dependent on the schedule of the tournament.

Weekly Status Update, February 25, 2018

This week saw the completion of the Build Season and the beginning of the Competition Season! It is an exciting time, with more to come! We have a working robot, and will spend this week making it even better before heading to our first competition later this week in Clackamas/Oregon City! Very nice job, Stormbots! Below I summarize the week’s agenda, with more details afterwards. Please read through the entire note.

StormBots To Appear At Mashall!

Marshall Elementary is looking for 4-6 students to demonstrate one of the robots April 26th from 5-7:30. Please let me know if you are interested in participating. Mr. Schmidt Kurt Schmidt Science Teacher Stormbots Assistant Coach Skyview High School Twitter: @PhysicsSchmidt Hello Stormbots, My name is Sara Rodin and I am a 4th grade teacher at Marshall Elementary as well as the coordinator for our Science Night. I was hoping to connect with you about having the Stormbots join us on April 26th from 5-7:30 to either demonstrate or showcase their work.

Bag Night, Good Work!

The checkout of all the autonomous moves went very well. I had to jumper out some code so only the chassis was working. Also had to add some more debug to force all the enums to be correct to test the code. Overall it was great and only had to make a couple of corrections. The one laptop is labeled comp-bot with all the adjustments in the travel paths. Bellow are new spread sheets to assist in the calculations of the distances.

Volunteer Opportunity, January 16

Here’s an opportunity for StormBots to volunteer to help with FIRST LEGO Leauge ad FIRST Tech Challenge: Dear FIRST LEGO League Oregon Community: Congratulations on a exciting Hydro Dynamics season! I’m Cathy Swider, FIRST Tech Challenge Oregon Programs Manager for ORTOP. With the conclusion of our FIRST LEGO League Oregon Qualifying Events and the State Championship this past weekend, some FIRST LEGO League teams or FIRST LEGO League team members, may be looking for the next FIRST program challenge.

SNAP Fundraiser Update!

We have raised $3220 already through our SNAP fundraiser! This is outstanding! Keep up the good work. You may be thinking, “No, we have raised $4600.” You are correct, but we actually keep 70% of what we raise. The other 30% goes to SNAP to keep their business running. If you are upset by this, recognize that most fundraisers only allow you to keep 40-50% of the profit. The Payback books cost our program $10 a book a few years ago and we sold them for $20.